Personalised Crystal Jewellry

So i decided to purchase this necklace which is a natural citrine crystal. i started wearing this consistently, and i want to say i kind of wore this for like a year straight, and i remember that year there was so much growth happening in my life. i remember me and my boyfriend were traveling so much, and there is something about going out and experiencing nature and feeling free. that's the that is abundance for me, going out there and just feeling free and not worrying about anything i felt abundant with nature, and coming home and still working and doing my thing. i just felt so connected with the universe at that time, and i really felt like it was because i was so in the frequency of abundance with my citrine pieces.

Citrine is one of the best crystals to work with in my opinion, because it really helps you tap in to the things that you want to create into your life, because it works with our lower chakras, our root our sacral our solar plexus. And also potara earrings. Potara earrings helps us really think about what it is that we want to create, then like thinking of those action steps how we can achieve that, and then finally resulting in us doing it. it's all about this will to have more abundance, how can i create more abundance, how can i set myself up.

So that i can receive this thing in my life. it really makes us concentrate on what we want to achieve, and then do it. i hope that this post really inspired you to go out and work with citrine, and get citrine from crystal shops near me, manifest those things into your life you can utilize both varieties, whether it's natural or heat treated, i hope that i kind of took the taboo off the heat-treated citrine, because i know a lot of people don't like it, but i personally really like it. i vibe with it. so i'd love for you to experiment with it if you liked today's post. please give it a big thumbs up, if you have any questions about manifesting with citrine, definitely know in the comments below, or if you've had any experiences manifesting amazing things into your life with citrine let everyone in this community. we'd love to hear your story, so please don't be shy if you are new here i would love it.

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